YouTube Channel Audit

Full report on your channel and pointing out areas of improvement to help you be the YouTube success you were meant to be!

YouTube Channel Audit

Do YouTube audiences not like you or is it the algorithm?

Is your YouTube channel stuck in a never-ending rut? 

Sick of sifting through endless YouTube HowTo video tutorials and getting nowhere?  

Frustrated because your YouTube channel isn't getting the attention it deserves?

Find yourself endlessly chasing views and subscribers without real progress?  

Are you tired of pouring hours into content creation, only to see disappointing results?  

Do you feel like you're missing out on crucial opportunities for growth?

 Is the YouTube algorithm a mystery you can't unravel?

If you answered Yes, to any of those questions, then you're not alone.

It's a common problem: Creators are often too close to their channel's issues to see the critical mistakes or lack the experience to fix them.

Time to call in that lifeline with a YouTube channel and brand audit.

I've seen countless missteps and misinformation in the influencer and content creator world when it comes to audience engagement, branding, growth strategies, and algorithms.

I've certainly experienced years of my own trial and error process too!

Having an experienced mentor with an outsider's perspective can be the game-changer your channel needs to break free from its limitations. 

Don't let your channel stay stuck – take action today with a YouTube Channel and Brand Audit!

 YouTube channel audit service:

✔︎   Get 1:1 customized assistance with your personal channel goals from a real creator who has worked on YouTube for years.

✔︎ Identify sabotaging practices, areas of improvement and insight into improving your channel//brand situation.

 I will point out areas for improvement and habits to correct in potential design flaws, SEO practices, existing content strategy and branding, competition and hidden opportunities.

✔︎ It is an intensive look into your YouTube channel and branding.

How it works:

You will be asked to fill out an in-depth questionnaire. This will give me information I need to analyze your site and identify practices which may be holding you back. You will have seven days to complete it (After that, your order will be cancelled without refund)
It may take me 5- 7 business days turnaround. Please plan your schedule accordingly.

What you get:

A written audit report on channel health and navigation. I assess what is keeping your channel from growth, discovery and what you  need to do to fix this. I also list opportunities you have against your competition.

Optional Add-on:

 A 30 minute  walk through the report and answering specific answers regarding questions about the report.
A Game Plan outline with recommendations of where to it is most beneficial for you take actionable steps. 


Be uploading to YouTube for a minimum of 2 months.


The issues we resolve during the session will be targeted insight, which changes your long-range result and reshapes your practices.


Tailored to your brand and channel goals, we help you create a strategy for success!


By improving your channel health, you will jumpstart your growth, SEO understanding and understand various ways you can strengthen your success for the future.


Written Audit + Game Plan + 30 min Consultation

$600 USD
  • Includes Game Plan. Questionnaire must be completed in five days or order is cancelled; without refund.

Claim This!

Written Audit

$350 USD
  • Questionnaire must be completed in five days or order is cancelled; without refund.

Claim This!

If I am traveling, you will not see prices or a booking button above. In this situation, please inquire about pricing by contacting me at or


Recently I worked with Christine Ka'aloa to review and audit my Youtube channel and I was amazed and super impressed with the knowledge I acquired and the time and attention she put into her audit and recommendations she provided to propel my channel. I got branding tips and insight for my artwork on YouTube, tips on how to get discovered on YouTube/Google search engines. I got specific feedback with examples on what I need to improve my game for YouTube.

Christine showed me specific examples of my YouTube community with creators who are thriving and leading with their own methods of branding and monetization. The audit followup results gave me eye-opening confidence and inspiration.

Christine put in way more into the audit of my channel than I expected and she made sure she addressed every question or concern I had about what I should do to improve m Youtube channel and also my television show and business. I'm looking forward to implementing the specific steps she's given me to improve my channel's appearance, functionality, community interactiveness and monetization potential.
Patrick Ching

Television show host, Artist

Christine provides amazing insight and goes over and above to offer alot of value. She has well thought out coaching insights. Fantastic! Christine is a great YT coach. 
Steve G

, Insurance and Estate Strategies LLC, Owner

Your YouTube Mentor

Christine Kaaloa

I’m a video storyteller, a female solo travel content creator, an influencer and your Youtube instructor!

I know how lonely and frustrating it can be to grow a YouTube channel. It took me years to master YouTube through trial and error and the biggest things it cost me were TIME and a PERSONAL LIFE! Had I known what I know now, I would have accelerated and monetized much quicker. I'm here to give you a personal roadmap to YouTube, so you can spend more time doing what you love and profiting from it.

I was a TV producer and camerawoman with a career in New York, filming and producing popular reality shows with MTV, Food Network, Yahoo, BET, CBS. I was living a jet-set life and paid to travel... until the economy fell and I remade my life as a travel blogger and YouTuber from Hawaii.

I grew my authority as an award-winning blogger and was the first female solo travel YouTube channel to empower new solo travelers around the world to find confidence in solo trip planning.  I've work with tourism boards and brands like SanDisk, Airbnb Experiences, Mazda, Facebook, Ctrip. 

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