YouTube & Travel Vlog Coaching w/ Christine Kaaloa

Travel vlogging, YouTube and Building your Travel Influencer business with monetization

Due to Christine's busy work/travel schedule, spots are limited & may be subject to change.

YouTube Consulting & Coaching Session

Ready to jumpstart your video marketing and YouTube channel, brand, and business to the next level?

Feeling like your channel is STUCK and going nowhere?

Does the idea of recording yourself on-camera make you anxious because you're a perfectionist, you don't know what your friends will think, you're not confident with the way you look, etc...?

Struggling to find clarity with your  niche and strategy for attracting leads?

The service:

 ✅ A consulting session where Christine points out issues that might be holding you back, as well as areas for improvement with your channel/strategy/brand situation.

Christine can mix consulting with coaching.  The two approaches are a different process and you should request your preference in advance.

With consulting, advice and recommended solutions are given for you to implement based on what Christine sees as requiring improvement for success. Christine acts as a consultant operating under the premise that as creators, we are often too close to the situation and cannot see a solution or brand strengths, even if it were staring us in the face.

With coaching, Christine is a facilitator and works with you to help you find your right fitsolutions. This process acknowledges that you as a creator/business/brand requires a unique approach and roadblocks are more around mindset. This approach takes a little more time, but it can produce large shifts.. 

If you do not know where you stand, you can request a mixed approach.

How it works:

 All sessions begin with an in-depth questionnaire you will be asked to fill out. This will give me information I need to customize my services to your specific situation and personal challenges and to create a strategy to help you maximize your channel’s effectiveness in meeting its goals.

Then we set up a time/date for our consulting session on Zoom.

Between heavy film trips for YouTube and a television/film/events video camera operator career, Christine's booking dates can be subject to last minute changes. This is the nature of Christine's complex craft and industry.

Your time is valued to use and we respect it, but we also cannot dedicate a 8-10 hour video production day to a 30-60 session.

To be fair, we designed two pricing plans: Flex and Executive.

Flex plans are for creators on a budget. Your session booking is confirmed but your dates/time is flexible but open to possible last-minute reschedules.

We give you a 24-48 hour confirmation before the session time you chose and if we must reschedule we notify you. Honestly, this is the exact notification window Christine gets with video clients.

Executive plans are for those with executive schedules, who need confirmed dates in advance.  

For regular and package clients where we are working on a specific goal and timed execution (ie. campaign launch, etc...) I'll try to work a time into my schedule so we don't break your flow.

 ✔︎ Get personal assistance with your channel goals.

✔︎ Ask any questions you have or target a couple roadblocks in your business

✔︎ Session can be recorded for your use at no extra cost. Must be requested in advance!

Gift Certificates:

This service can be gifted to friends or family members.

Let me know when you purchase the session or package and I'll send you a unique discount code which you can choose.


The issues we resolve during the session will be targeted insight, which changes your long-range result and reshapes your practices.


Tailored to your brand and channel goals, we help you create a strategy for success!


By improving your channel health, you will jumpstart your growth, SEO understanding and understand various ways you can strengthen your success for the future.


YouTube Consultation (Flex Plan)

$250 USD
  • 60 Minute Zoom Travel YouTubers Influencers & Entrepreneurs If I change our scheduled date for last minute work, I take $15 off

    • Ask questions about YouTube or Influencing
    • Tackle surface issues w/ your channel or brand
    • Get Feedback your ideas & channel strategies
    • Your booking is confirmed 24-48 hours beforehand
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Your YouTube Expert

Christine Kaaloa

I’m a video storyteller, a female solo travel content creator, an influencer and your Youtube instructor!

I know how lonely and frustrating it can be to grow a YouTube channel. It took me years to master YouTube through trial and error and the biggest things it cost me were TIME and a PERSONAL LIFE! Had I known what I know now, I would have accelerated and monetized much quicker. I'm here to give you a personal roadmap to YouTube, so you can spend more time doing what you love and profiting from it.

I was a TV producer and camerawoman with a career in New York, filming and producing popular reality shows with MTV, Food Network, Yahoo, BET, CBS. I was living a jet-set life and paid to travel... until the economy fell and I remade my life as a travel blogger and YouTuber from Hawaii.

I grew my authority as an award-winning blogger and was the first female solo travel YouTube channel to empower new solo travelers around the world to find confidence in solo trip planning.  I've work with tourism boards and brands like SanDisk, Airbnb Experiences, Mazda, Facebook, Ctrip. 

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